
Technologies: reactJS, BootStrap4, JSX

• Used an API from to get the updated numbers of covid-19 infected and recovered cases • Used JSX and Bootstrap to build interactive UI so that user can easily get the information about the numbers of patients and the covid-19 pandemic • Presented the data with graphs so that user can easily understand that and provide a selection tab to choose the different country across the world to know about that county’s situation • Deployed on AWS Amplify platform(link given above)

Technologies: reactJS, nodeJS, Bootstrap, MongoDB

• Created a Chatting Application with the features like create Chatroom, Accept and reject the friend request, can see online/offline status of friends with very simplistic design • Used MongoDB as database to store the different user’s data with different collections

Technologies: R language, KableExtra, Plotly, ggplot2

• Goal of the project is to use the available data of NBA teams and players from 1950 to 2015 to visualize and present the useful data and parameters in front of selection committees and team management • Take the raw dataset, Clean that dataset, and visualize it with ggplot2 and plotly

Technologies: Java

• Searched content from databases using optimized searching techniques to produced output in possible minimum time • Established the inverted index as a HashMap and used web crawling for page retrieval

Technologies: Java, JUnit5

• Implemented trigonometry, power, and factorial functions and tested its functionality using JUnit 5 • Developed updated software versions after every iteration of testing according to different test cases

Technologies: reactJS, BootStrap4

• Used an API from and access the weather information and deployed on AWS Amplify • Used reactJS and Bootstrap to build interactive UI so that user can give the location as input and get the weather information as output

Technologies: Python, OpenCV, NumPy, MySQL, PhpMyAdmin

• Goal of the application was to take attendance of students in the classroom using facial recognition • Programmed a system to take the maximum possible image frames from the video footage of camera • Converted image frames into binary images using LBPH and applied the face recognition algorithm on frames • Tested the system across 700 to 800 different faces of students using white box testing strategy • Achieved almost 78 to 80 % accuracy in face recognition